As the year comes to an end, and sweater weather starts creeping in, you might bundle up in a soft scarf or hat to ward off the cold (or, at least as much cold as our lovely SoCal climate has). However, what is one to do if they cannot afford quality hats and scarves?
Enter Pathways of Hope and the TBT Mitzvah Mavens.
These fierce fighters of the freeze aim to keep the disadvantaged in our community warm all winter long. In the past month, the Mitzvah Mavens came together to knit and crochet at least 93 hats, scarves, and baby blankets to donate to Pathways of Hope. These lovingly hand-made garments will go to Pathways of Hope's Anaheim and Fullerton shelters.
Kol HaKavod to the Mitzvah Mavens for truly embodying the spirit of Tikkun Olam!
If you want to join the Mitzvah Mavens in their winter warmth project, stop by the TBT Asa center on Sunday, January 22nd at 10am for their next knit and crochet meet-up.
